Women Need More Sleep than Men, Here are the Reasons

A recent study done by researchers from Duke University suggests that women need more sleep than men, due to the fact that they face up to more mental and physical consequences from insufficient rest compared to men. Along with encouraging half the population to sleep more, the findings may also promote new health recommendations for women at a greater risk of heart disease, depression, and psychological problems.

Who Needs How Much?
“One of the major functions of sleep is to allow the brain to recover and repair itself. During deep sleep, the cortex the part of the brain responsible for thought, memory, language and so on disengages from the senses and goes into recovery mode. The more of your brain you use during the day, the more of it that needs to recover and, consequently, the more sleep you need. Women tend to multi-task they do lots at once and are flexible and so they use more of their actual brain than men do,” Jim Horne, director of the Sleep Research Center at Lough borough University in England, stated for The Australian.

The Science of Sleep
This study undertaken by Breus and his colleagues has launched a number of scientific inquiries into the health outcomes of sleep deprivation.Researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine discovered a connection between inadequate rest and accelerated skin aging in a paper published earlier this year.Other studies have associated poor sleeping habits to an increased risk of psychiatric problems, heart disease, blood clots and stroke.

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