What Happens When You Press This Point For 45 Seconds

Acupressure therapy is one of the most famous and most commonly used methods of acupuncture pressure and it is being used in Chinese medicine for years. It comes to a pressure that includes acupressure points that lie along meridians in our body in order to promote relaxation and treat illnesses.These points we can find on more than 400 places on our body.
Chinese medicine believes that vital energy called qi (chi) flows through these meridians or energy pathways. Namely, there are 12 major meridians that connect specific organs, thus organizing a system of communication throughout the body. Illness occurs when one or more of these meridians are blocked or out of balance.

In this article we are going to write about a point that has power to reduce muscle tension, to improve circulation and to stimulate the brain chemicals called endorphin. Irrespective of the underlying reason for its effectiveness, there are several studies which have found this alternative therapy beneficial for relieving certain aches and pains.

You should press the acupressure points with moderate pressure for a few seconds up to a couple of minutes and then released. For best results, you should take slow, deep breaths as you hold the acupressure points.
The Third Eye acupressure point is considered to calm your mind, improving your memory, relieving stress, chronic fatigue, headaches, eye strain and insomnia. It also helps relieve sinus pain and congestion. This point is considered beneficial for spiritual and emotional imbalances as well.

It is very easy to locate the Third Eye pressure point. Just close your eyes and find the spot on the bridge of our nose between eyebrows. Using our middle finger, we should slowly press the point for a few seconds to 1 minute and then release.Repeat several times a week.

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