Secret Mask That Removes Wrinkles and make you look YOUNG

This mask is a real magic for your skin and you need only two ingredients: milk and honey. Honey is perhaps the most ancient remedy used to have gorgeous skin. It is also effective when it comes to wrinkles. It is as simple as rubbing honey on your face freshly washed with some warm (never hot) water and leaving it for 20-30 minutes again to be washed with a little warm water. If you so wish, you can make honey a little more efficient by making a pack with milk powder


  • Milk powder- 4 tablespoons
  • Honey- 2 tablespoons
  • Warm water- 2 tablespoons for paste and some more.
  • A small towel

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix milk powder, honey and warm water to get a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this to your face, but you should avoid eyes and mouth.
  3. Dip the small towel in warm water, squeeze out the water and place the towel on your face.
  4. Leave for about 10 minutes.
  5. Use the towel on your face to clean off the mask gently.
  6. Pat dry.

 You should put this mask no more than once a week and you will notice the results after the first application.This mask will make your skin hydrated and healthy, and it will remove wrinkles and antioxidants. So don`t wait make this mask and try it and it will make you to look and  fell young forever

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